
So I have finally set up my blog on various things that I am interested in and that are roughly related to my work. In the near future, you should be able to read here about topics ranging from foundations of mathematics to text editors. Possible subjects include the following:

  • category theory
  • logic
  • type theory
  • set theory
  • functional programming
  • functional reactive programming
  • dependent types
  • TeX
  • Vim
  • Unicode

Keep reading and please comment if you wish.

9 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. mekeor

    apart from vim (i use emacs), we share the same interests but with the important difference that i am just interested in those things but i’m still very nooby in those fields (i’m a teenager). so, your blog perfectly fits into my interests; i’m going to learn a bunch from you! thanks for your nice blog =]


  2. mekeor

    may i ask you for a blog post about an general introduction to type theory (and it’s notation)? i’m already familiar with haskell (and i also know a dependently-typed functional programming language called Idris) but i want to learn more about the mathematics beyond the type system of those languages. at least, can you suggest me some literature?


    1. Wolfgang Jeltsch Post author

      At the moment, I’m still lacking quite a bit of knowledge about type theory, so I’m no expert in these things at all. However, my colleague James Chapman will hold a course about this topic in a few weeks, which should improve my knowledge considerably.

      I think the book Type Theory and Functional Programming by Simon Thompson is pretty good. It’s available online free of charge. Another book that can be downloaded is Programming in Martin-Löf’s Type Theory by Nordström, Petersson, and Smith.


      1. mekeor

        thank you (especially for the fist link as i already knew the second book you mentioned)!

        James Chapman is your colleague? So what’s your occupation then? Are you his student? Besides, James Chapman is from Estonia whereas I thought that you are from Germany (as I am) because you quoted German texts…

        but anyway, thanks.



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